Hope Street Christmas Fair – Illumination Day – Movember

Illumination Day Blackburne House Snow Globe Dismembered Empire

Today was the Hope Street Christmas Fayre.

The cast of Dismembered Empire were invited to Blackburne House with our performance of “Illumination Day”. The citizens of Dismembered Empire are torn between celebrating two mid-winter festivals. Illumination Day, or Crystalmas.

The Purple Hand want to celebrate Crystalmas. A community festival celebrating the longest night with hand made gifts, feasting, music, dancing and cavorting.

The Directorate want to celebrate Illumination Day. A celebration of the subjugation of the night commemorated by the giving of factory produced goods, putting up celebratory lights and producing a world that never stops working.

Professor Zong (Me) and the Arch-Orator (Brox) were also asked to judge the Movember Mo contest! Which was rather fun!

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