Liverpool Pride and On the Waterfront


DSCF1770Alan Cross - The Star of Liverpool PrideDSCF1548

odd ballsPerformers On The Waterfront (13)


Saturday was Liverpool Pride and Esme’s first ever visit to Liverpool. We arrived at St George’s Hall early and went to have a look around inside. George had fun pretending to be a judge and Esme loved the ballroom and organ. We then went on to join the march and quickly bumped into Jingle Joe, Cathy, Theresa, Sarah, Vikki, James, Lindsay, Gav, Alan, the Green Party and eventually Hildebrand.

I ran around trying to take a photograph of the town crier who seemed quite determined to get away from me! After a few inaudible speeches we joined Vikki and snuck in behind the Green Party for the march. I am used to having my photo taken but this weekend I think all records were well and truly broken. Liverpool Pride turned out to be a lot better than I expected, but the highlights of the day was the young tiger boy who tipped his hat at us on the march and then came to find us later to have his photo taken with us! Also Alan was superb especially singing Liverpool I love you.

We wandered to the Pierhead to see Voala and I was thrilled to also see a whirling dervish and some puppets! Sunday Esme and I went to the Maritime Museum to see the Ships Engines and the Shackleton Exhibition. We then returned to On the Waterfront to see the Glenn Miller Tribute Band, the Lindy Hoppers and rendezvous with Alan.

Loads more street theatre, including Andy dressed as a giant Asian woman promoting health and well being. His boss quickly put a stop to our conversation saying “Andy, there’s a rather deep gruff voice coming out of an asian lady…”. We quickly said our goodbyes and made our way. I was also thrilled to see Hippochondriac from Thingumajig Theatre.

The tea dancing was supposed to be encouraged by the Mad Hatter (Alan Cross) and Alice. Alice was late. So the Mad Hatter grabbed me and Esme and offered us £25 to spend an hour dancing with members of the audience! Alan described it as “Working the crowd, Just standard street theatre” as if he assumed I had done it many times before, I just nodded politely and pretended I knew what I was doing! Anyway it was the funnest £25 I have ever earned! It was then a quick rush back home to pick up Esme’s bags and a sad farewell at Lime Street Station.

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