Category Archives: Performance

Albert Dock Pirate Weekend

This weekend was the Albert Dock Pirate Weekend. Kathryn Rigby (Captain Arabella Drummond) and myself (Quartermaster Widebeard the Pirate), now proud members of the Zebu crew were out and about engaging the crowds. Talking to the the young pirates, posing more »

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Liverpool Tattoo Convention

Dismembered Empire performed “The Reorientation of Tobias Renshaw” at the Liverpool Tattoo Convention. I got to reprise the role of Professor Zong and my new props got their debut. The new props were Galvanomesmeric Batons, Diagnostic Engine and Reorientation Helmet. more »

Posted in Festival, Making Things, Performance, Steampunk, Steampunk Liverpool, Tinkering | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Galvanomesmeric Batons

Created for Dismembered Empire. Wielded by Imperial Guards these multipurpose batons can be used to scan, mesmerise or stun victims. The galvanomesmeric batons can be seen in action at our fundraiser. Related Posts:Liverpool Tattoo ConventionDiagnostic EngineReorientation HelmetLlandudno Victorian ExtravaganzaHope Street more »

Posted in Hobbies, Making Things, Performance, Steampunk, Steampunk Liverpool, Theatre, Tinkering, Uncategorized | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Diagnostic Engine

Created for Dismembered Empire. The diagnostic engine can mechanically diagnose human ailments. Medical establishments can use it to reduce staff costs. Some call it quackery, no more accurate than a random penny falls. The diagnostic engine can be seen in more »

Posted in Hobbies, Making Things, Performance, Steampunk, Steampunk Liverpool, Theatre, Tinkering | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Reorientation Helmet

Created for Dismembered Empire. The Reorientation Helmet uses a combination of intravenous terpsichorum and a galvano mesmeric field to induce metamorphic neuroplasticity. A skilled inquisitor can then erase a subjects existing engrams, or apply new ones through a careful application more »

Posted in Hobbies, Making Things, Making Things Page, Performance, Steampunk, Steampunk Liverpool, Theatre, Victorian | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The Taxidermist

I made a music video for Doctor Butler’s Hatstand Medicine Band. The video was inspired by Fingerbobs and Blue Peter. This was a fun project! I designed and made all the puppets and sets. Also storyboarded, filmed and edited the more »

Posted in Film making, Film Making Page, Making Things, Performance, Puppetry, Puppets Page | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment