Tag Archives: Jeff Lewis

Playing “Tickets Please”

“Tickets Please” is packed up and delivered to METAL. I have had time to edit some video footage of the game in action from our final play tests. “Tickets Please” is an oral history memory game allowing fun interactive exploration more »

Posted in Arts, Contraptions Page, Electronics, Favourite, Festival, Hobbies, Making Things, Making Things Page, Museum, Steampunk, Tinkering, Victorian, Vintage | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Making “Tickets Please”

Today we completed making “Tickets Please” It is an Arduino and RFID powered oral history memory game allowing fun interactive exploration of the Edge Hill Archive. The “Signal Repeater” electronic hub was made by Mycroft Milverton, the game board was more »

Posted in Arts, Contraptions Page, Electronics, Favourite, Festival, Hobbies, Making Things, Museum, Steampunk, Tinkering, Victorian, Vintage | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments