Dismembered Empire: Part I

Dismembered Empire Kathryn RigbyDismembered Empire Amber Page MossDismembered Empire Mycroft MilvertonDismembered Empire Mike Michael ShonDismembered Empire BandDismembered Empire Becky RileyDismembered Empire AudienceDismembered Empire Andrew WelshDismembered Empire Jen Catterall Hilary Abernethy Band
Photographs by AB Photography

Many months work has come to fruition with the performance of Dismembered Empire in the Williamson Tunnels. We started developing the show in February and the two performance nights were a great success!

Dismembered Empire Mycroft MilvertonDismembered Empire Mycroft Milverton
Photographs by Kate Mullin

Within our fantastically imagined steampunk world the audience loved interacting with the Empire’s disturbed citizens, the live and original music echoing from deep within the caverns, the twisted plot based on corporate rule, mistrust, betrayal and sociopathic exploitation, enjoyed solving the mysteries of the Directorate and the Purple Hand and deciding for themselves how the play will end!

The unscripted show was largely improvised within a pre-planned structured plot line, particularly notable when three audience members cornered me and interrogated me about my unethical research. Nobody in the cast came to my rescue… but I blagged my way out of it by making hollow promises in exchange for them arranging a fast boat out of Liverpool.

For this production I did website development, world building, story arc, historical research, film and video production, provided some props and of course played Professor Zong. A full list of contributors can be found in the programme.

What is extremely cheering is the masses of great feedback we are getting! A great credit to all the production team, cast, musicians and particularly the director Jen Catterall.

I just wanted to say this was an awesome production and cant wait for part two 😀 well done guys 🙂 xx

We went to another world over the weekend…was amazing! What a brilliant time here! Well done to all involved!

Dismembered Empire @ Williamson’s Tunnels tonight wondrous experience. Cant wait for part 2

Incredible show last night, sir! My colleague and I were blown away.

Great fun last night! Do please let us know if/when part 2 happens!

Congratulations professor! It was an awful shame about the vote (or a victory depending on the eyeglass you’re looking through!) well, onwards and upwards. To the purple hands! Huzzah!

It was a great experience! Congratulations to everyone!

We loved being part of it …well done to all involved in your brave & unique show.

that was an awesome night 😀

And jolly top hole it was as well!

Excellent performance directed by Jen Catterall in Dismembered Empire this weekend. Well done, looking forward to part 2! xx

That was unbelievable last night Jen. A massive congratulations to you and all the cast. Pure, unadulterated aceness. DO MORE VERY SOON PLEASE

Well done for tonight Jen. A very ambitious project. Well done to y’all.

A splendiferous event, well done sirs and madams! Your humble audience member, Anastasia Tempus

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